Young Carers and the School Census
29th Jan 2023
Young Carers and the School Census
For the first time, schools will be required to record who their young carers are on the Spring census (date).
Census Date: Thursday 19th January 2023
Return Date: Wednesday 15th February 2023
Why is this important?
Young carers carry immense responsibility in providing care and support at home; but their own needs may remain ‘hidden’ from wider view.
The increased pressures young carers have faced due to the pandemic has further highlighted the need to improve formal identification of this cohort in schools, understand their needs and to provide early help as outlined in statutory guidance on keeping children safe in education. By formally identifying young carers in schools, it will provide further opportunities to monitor and support attendance and progress throughout their time at school.
If you research any statistic around young carers, you will find several different reported numbers, from things like: 166,000, 10% of your cohort, 1 in 5 (20%), 700,000. We don’t know which of these statistics is true, but what we do know is that there are thousands of young carers hidden within our education system. The inclusion on the Spring census is a big step forwards, but we do require schools to actively seek to find their young carers.
The Level Up Programme supports schools in the identification and support of young carers, for free, in schools across Dorset. Contact our Level Up Manager for more information.