Inspiring educators to create meaningful change for young carers
A unique event that provides insights for educators into the lives of young carers, designed by young carers
This leading, educational one-day summit combines expertise from leading researchers, educators, support agencies, local authorities, as well as young carers themselves to help drive change in better understanding the needs of young carers and their responsibilities they carry for their loved ones.
What's the summit about?
This annual event outlines effective provision for young carers in schools and inspires educators to create meaningful change within their institutions for these remarkable young people. The summit guarantees a day that's jam-packed full of incredible insights and take-aways.
Previous summit speakers have included:
Krista Sharp
CEO, MYTIME Young Carers
Professor Saul Becker
Assistant Pro Vice Chancellor and Professor of Social Policy and Social Work at University of Nottingham
Ben Antell
Regional Director, United Learning
Samantha Viney
Principal, Glenmoor & Winton Academies
Jane Pope
Pastoral Care Worker, Burton C of E Primary School
The date for this year's Young Carers Summit is:
thursday June 29, 2023
We would like to invite your school’s Young Carer Champion and Headteacher, or another member of the senior leadership team, to join MYTIME Young Carers for our first ever Education Summit at Bournemouth University.
What Will I gain From The Day?
We have so much planned for our first ever Education Summit. It's guaranteed to be a day that's jam-packed full of incredible insights and useful take-aways.
Participants will gain the following:
A chance to hear current updates in young carer research including reporting on our findings on emotional health and wellbeing, as well as attendance and attainment of young carers in schools
High-quality CPD on how school staff can support young carers
An increased understanding of how to improve school engagement for young carers which will help to improve attendance, attainment, and higher school satisfaction scores
Bespoke training and guidance designed by Professor Saul Becker – creator of the MACA and PANOC, enabling Champions to effectively plan the support needed for young carers and assess the impact of their role on their emotional wellbeing and mental health
An opportunity to speak with other local school leaders and Young Carer Champions to share good practice
The chance to learn from young carers themselves
To learn more about the agenda for the day, or to register for the event, head to our events page below: